🚀 DeSo Help

About DeSo

DeSo is a decentralized social network based on cryptocurrency, called $DESO.

It is very much like Twitter. Users follow each other, post short messages which can be liked, reposted, quoted and, that's part of the revolution, rewarded with 💎 diamonds!

👥 Decentralized & Open-Source

DeSo is not run by a single company. It's fully open source, based on a public blockchain and effectively owned by its users.

💻 Various Apps

While DeSo is "just" the underlying framework, there are many different "frontend" apps to access it. The most popular one is called Diamond App, or just "💎 Diamond".

👛 Creator Coins

What makes DeSo so special is its tight integration with cryptocurrencies.

Each user automatically gets their own currency - called "Creator Coin" - which others can buy and sell. Like at the stock market, the individual coin prices rise when many people buy them and drop if they get sold.

🤝 Invest in people

If you like a user's profile, their ideas or the content they create, you may buy their Creator Coin. This way, you not only "like" their content as with other social networks, you directly support them financially. As a "hodler", you may also directly participate in their success.

🎭 Succeed together, fail together

But that's not a just a donation or sponsorship - it's an investment!

When creators you hold coins of succeed, and many more others buy their coin, the price rises. This in turn increases the value of the coins you hold.

On the other hand, of course, if the creator fails, and many people sell their shares, the price drops.

💠 NFTs

DeSo has tightly integrated support for non-fungible tokens, making it very easy to mint (create) them and trade them. Furthermore, creators can easily let their hodlers earn $DESO on every (re-)sale.

📜 Feeds

Of course, there are all the "traditional" features of a social network, such as feeds.

On 💎 Diamond, there are three different feeds for you to enjoy: Hot, Following and New.

The Hot feed

Particularly influential or popular posts are listed in the hot feed. It does not matter if you follow the author or not. The exact algorithm for this depends on the app you use.

The Following feed

This feed is populated by posts of the users you choose to follow.

The New feed

This is your chance to meet newcomers who recently joined the DeSo network.

Now that you know how DeSo works, learn how to create your DeSo account.