🚀 DeSo Help

Create your DeSo account

Before getting started, please remember, this site is not financial advice!

Choose your favorite app

There are various apps to access the DeSo network. For this tutorial, we use the popular 💎 Diamond app.

Sign up

Go to https://diamondapp.com/ and click "Sign Up" to start the registration process.

Sign Up with Google or a Seed Phrase

Signing up with Google is the fastest way to get started.

If you'd rather not link your account with Google, you may alternatively click "Sign up with seed":

Seed Phrase

You will be presented with a seed phrase:

Important: The seed phrase is the key to your account and very important:

  • Note it down carefully and keep it a secret, best in multiple places.
  • The seed phrase can never be restored, if lost!
  • Keep it a secret! Unlike a password, your seed phrase cannot be changed. If stolen, you cannot protect your account anymore!
  • Whoever knows your seed phrase has full access to your account!

If you don't like your generated phrase (e.g. it contains words you don't like), just refresh the page (hit F5) until the system comes up with a seed phrase to your liking.

For an additional layer of security, you may click "Advanced" and add a passphrase to your seed.

Once the seed phrase is fine, write it down (see above) and click Next.

Enter your seed phrase and click Next to verify it. This step is there to make sure you secured your pass phrase - which you certainly did, didn't you?

Get seed capital

To gain access, you have to have some start-up $DESO coins. There are two different ways to get your first coins:

Verify your account

You are offered to verify your account, for example, with an external provider or via SMS.

This is a great way to receive your first $DESO as a seed capital.

If you'd rather skip this step, as the time of writing, there is no easy way to do that. You might try to refresh the page or go to https://diamondapp.com/ manually - your new account should be ready there for you.

Prepare your profile

Have you verified your account and already got some seed capital? Please continue with buying your own coin.

If you skipped the verification, you'll need some $DESO to continue. Please go and buy some $DESO now.